This online privacy policy is provide to make you aware of how CGI Consulting collects, uses and manages information relating to visitors to our website. CGI views the personal privacy of users as an important issue. We are committed to maintaining the security of personal information provided to CGI by visitors to our website. This policy forms part of the terms of use of the website, and describes how CGI treats personal information that it receives through your use of its website. Information and Collection
CGI collects the following information regarding visitors to our website: domain name, information regarding what pages are accessed, information volunteered by you (such as your name, survey information, email address or website registrations) and your preferred means of communication. CGI uses this information to update our website and marketing database. We may also use this information in order to provide you with a personalised experience when you visit our website. Through the use of a cookie (see under ‘Cookies’). CGI can record the pages you visit and the information you require. Through analysis of these records, CGI provides you with an improved service when you revisit our website. CGI endeavours to use and disclose your personal information only in limited circumstances. We will do so if it is necessary to protect any copyright or intellectual property in the material on the website. Except as specifically stated in this Privacy policy, CGI will not share your personally identifiable information with any other person or third party. Other than as stated in the preceding paragraphs, or as might be required by law in special circumstances, no attempt is made to identify users or their browsing activities. Cookies A cookie is a small data file that a website may write to your hard drive when you visit it. A cookie file can contain information, such as a user ID that the website uses to track the pages you have visited. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information you personally supply. A cookie cannot read data off your hard drive or read cookies created by other websites. Some websites use cookies to track user traffic patterns and to better serve you when you revisit the website. You can reset your browser to notify you when you have received a cookie, providing you with the opportunity to accept or reject it. You can also refuse all cookies by use of an option in your browser. Security
CGI takes all reasonable security measures to protect personal information from loss, unauthorised access, destruction, misuse, modification or disclosure. As far as permissible under law, CGI accepts no responsibility for unauthorised access to personal information held by CGI. Updates
The contents of this Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. We suggest that you return to the website on a regular basis and carefully read the information provided.


© CGI Consulting Pty Ltd | ACN 097 788 853 | Designed by Nathan Pitt 2013